Book and Content Reviews - Technical Growth

  • Image of book cover of Brand New.

    Brand New

    This book is for any professional and describes how to find needs and opportunities in the marketplace, come up with significant market insights, and create compelling communication to help people try your new creation.

  • Image of the book cover for Domain Names Rewired.

    Domain Names Rewired

    This book is for product managers, business development managers, and marketers. The book contains interviews with some of the world's leading companies. The interviews cover essential issues when creating new brands or derivative brands, protecting existing brands and .com in new global markets.

  • Image of the book cover for Good Idea Now What?

    Good Idea. Now What?

    This book is for any professional and is a practical guide for moving your ideas to execution by leveraging mixed environments, working through resistance and setbacks, developing a practical plan for implementation, navigating collaborative opportunities, and communicating ideas.

  • Image of the book cover for On Change Management.

    HBR's 10 Must Reads

    This series of books is great for all professionals and an absolute must-read for all architects. There is an introduction book that covers each book in the series in about 10 pages and is the first to read. The rest might remind you of Cliff’s Notes as they are very compact and quick reads.

  • Image of the cover of How to Measure Anything.

    How to Measure Anything

    This book is for any technologist or architect who must justify a request for resources and provide measurable results. As IT professionals, at times we are asked to justify the cost of a solution. Many times, in larger organizations IT projects are in competition not only with other IT projects but also with other business investments. This book provides guidance.

  • Image of book cover for Innovation at Work.

    Innovation at Work

    This book is for people who want to grow their teamwork skill set. A how-to guide with worksheets, questions, and case studies to inspire discussion and assessments for determining managers' openness to innovation.

  • Image of the book cover for The Phoenix Project

    The Phoenix Project

    This book is for any professional wanting to work in an agile product delivery company. The Phoenix Project is a book that tells a story about DevOps. This is an easy read as it is delivered as a story. As with any good story, context is set, tensions are described critical points are hit, and resolution is delivered.

  • Image of the book cover for The Pragmatic MBA.

    The Pragmatic MBA for Scientific and Technical Executives

    This book is primarily for IT architects and technical leadership, but good for anyone in a technical role that is pursuing their MBA. The book covers business from a SME perspective. Hits on the big topic areas so the SME can interact well with other members of a business entity.

  • Image of the book cover for Software Systems Architecture.

    Software Systems Architecture

    This book is for architects and dev leads. One of the best practitioner-oriented books covering design through operating state. Great introduction to software architecture and is full of well-established best practices. And the appendix is worth skimming.

  • Image of the book cover for The Zen of Social Media Marketing

    The Zen of Social Media Marketing

    This book is for anyone who is new to social media and for those who want a quick refresher. It is a great introduction to social media marketing, providing what you need to know to be successful. The book provides a good outline of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.