The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common: 8 to Be Great by Richard St John

Who is this book for?

People who want to grow their professional skill set.

This book is a short motivational read that should take no longer than a few hours to read to get what you need. The book is organized with a short intro and "about the author" section, then presents an idea in a page or so, followed by examples of other people who have been highly successful in what they do and aligning their success and approach to the values presented in the book.

The suggested approach to reviewing this content is to read the introduction and About the Author section and review the graphic and list on pages 8 and 9. Read the first paragraph at the beginning of each chapter, and then review the list/TOC in front of each chapter. Identify topics that interest you and read just those. Once you completed that, only read front-to-back if you feel it is worth your time.  

Table of Contents
    Passion - No associated skills with this, rather the notion that you must have passion for what you do to excel greatly
    Work - The book suggests career-specific skills associated with this are technical skills
    Focus - The book suggests career-specific skills associated with this are management skills
    Push - The book suggests career-specific skills associated with this are the ability to motivate yourself
    Ideas - No specific associated skills with this, rather it is the notion that you can create and take action on ideas
    Improve - The book suggests career-specific skills associated with this are creative skills
    Serve - The book suggests career-specific skills associated with this are people skills
    Persist - The book suggests career-specific skills associated with this are analytical skills